Διαβάστε για τον σωστό καθαρισμό δαπέδων

από Eco House



Έχετε σκεφτεί ποτέ όταν σφουγγαρίζεται το δάπεδο στο σπίτι σας, μετά το σφουγγάρισμα κατά πόσο καθαρή είναι η επιφάνεια που σφουγγαρίσατε?

Μπορείτε όλοι να κάνετε ένα μικρό ΤΕΣΤ. Αφού ΣΤΕΓΝΩΣΕΙ η επιφάνεια του δαπέδου, πάρτε μερικές λευκές χαρτοπετσέτες, βρέξτε τες με λίγο νερό (να είναι νοτισμένες) κατόπιν τρίψτε ελαφρά την επιφάνεια του δαπέδου που σφουγγαρίσατε. Με έκπληξη θα διαπιστώσετε, ότι η λευκή χαρτοπετσέτα θα βγάλει βρωμιά η μουτζούρα από το δήθεν <<καθαρό δάπεδο>>.

ΓΙΑΤΙ? Ο λόγος είναι ότι το πατροπαράδοτο σφουγγάρισμα, με πολύ νερό και χημικά καθαριστικά, τις περισσότερες φορές αντί να καθαρίζουμε, λερώνουμε. ΟΙ ΛΟΓΟΙ αυτού του φαινομένου είναι, ότι το ΝΕΡΟ έχει άλατα και είναι σκληρό (δηλαδή μέταλλα) και όταν στεγνώσει αφήνει κατάλοιπα στις επιφάνειες των δαπέδων, επίσης τα χημικά καθαριστικά που χρησιμοποιούμε για το σφουγγάρισμα, και αυτά όταν στεγνώσουν στην επιφάνεια του δαπέδου, ΣΧΗΜΑΤΙΖΟΥΝ ΕΝΑ ΛΕΠΤΟ ΦΙΛΜ (κρούστα) όπου είναι πολύ βλαβερό για την υγεία μας επίσης την υγεία των παιδιών μας αφού τα αναπνέουμε. ΤΙ ΜΠΟΡΕΙΤΕ ΝΑ ΚΑΝΕΤΕ για να αποφύγετε στο εξής τα βλαβερά χημικά καθαριστικά που σωρεύονται στις επιφάνειες μετά το <<καθάρισμά>>? (δάπεδα, πάγκους, έπιπλα, τραπέζια, τζάμια κα).

Μπορείτε να καθαρίζεται με λιγότερα χημικά καθαριστικά και λιγότερο νερό. Στην ελληνική αγορά τα τελευταία χρόνια διατίθενται ΕΙΔΙΚΑ ΠΑΝΑΚΙΑ & ΠΑΝΕΤΕΣ, μικροινών τα λεγόμενα (υπέρ-απορροφητικά πανιά) τα οποία πανιά είναι τεχνολογίας και έχουν τη δυνατότητα να απορροφούν μέχρι 99% των ρύπων, σκόνης και μικροοργανισμών από τις επιφάνειες που καθαρίζουμε.

Τα ΕΙΔΙΚΑ ΠΑΝΙΑ και ΠΑΝΕΤΕΣ ΔΑΠΕΔΟΥ, καθαρίζουν λόγω της υψηλής απορροφητικότητας τους, ΜΟΝΟ ΜΕ ΛΙΓΟ ΝΕΡΟ (νοτισμένα με νερό). Μπορούν αυτά τα ειδικά ΠΑΝΙΑ & ΠΑΝΕΤΕΣ να κάνουν καλή καθαριότητα και απολύμανση? ΦΥΣΙΚΑ ΝΑΙ! Αυτό είναι επιστημονικά

αποδεδειγμένο και το κάνουν αυτό, απορροφώντας στις ίνες τους την βρωμιά και μικροοργανισμούς. Αφού χρησιμοποιήσουμε τα ΕΙΔΙΚΑ ΠΑΝΙΑ & ΠΑΝΕΤΕΣ στο τέλος τα πλένουμε με καυτό νερό (όπως τα ρούχα με λίγο σκόνη πλυντηρίου) και αποβάλλουν όλες τις βρωμιές και μικροοργανισμούς που έχουν απορροφήσει.

Αυτή είναι η ΤΕΧΝΙΚΗ. Δεν διαχέουμε πλέον βλαβερά χημικά στις επιφάνειες του σπιτιού μας, αλλά τις μαζεύουμε αυτά με τα πανιά που πλένονται και μπορούν την επόμενη φορά που θα καθαρίσετε, να ΕΙΝΑΙ ΠΑΝΤΑ ΚΑΘΑΡΑ.

ΔΟΚΙΜΑΣΤΕ, την επόμενη φορά να καθαρίσετε ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΚΑ, ΟΙΚΟΛΟΓΙΚΑ και ΛΟΓΙΚΑ, σας το προτείνω!

Νίκος Κουτουλίδης

Εξειδικευμένος Εκπαιδευτής σε θέματα υγιεινής & ασφάλειας

Δείτε το βίντεο "Σετ Καθαρισμού Πατώματος και Τοίχων EcoHouse" στο YouTube

Δείτε το βίντεο "Πανιά Μικροινών | Microfiber από την EcoHouse" στο YouTube


Invest $ 5,000 in Bitcoin mining once and get $ 70,000 passive income per month: http://v.ht/B7uyEH1?eeTdICMng
I assume that this - "silentboy", is your password?
   You do not know me and you are probably surprised why you received this letter?
   The fact is that I posted a special program on porn, which you recently visited to have fun (you know what I mean). While you were watching the video, your web browser worked as RDP (remote desktop), as well as a keylogger, which allowed me to access your screen and webcam. After that, my program also collected the data of all your friends from all installed instant messengers, Facebook account and mail.
   So what exactly did I do?
   I made a video with a split screen. In one half - the video that you watch (you have a good taste, haha), and on the other, what I recorded from the webcam (Aha, it's you!).
   What should you do?
   I think $ 1,700 is a fair price for such a little secret. Make a payment via Bitcoin to the wallet address (if you don’t know how - google “How to buy Bitcoin”):
   BTC Address: 19PZtNygf9YeB1esYYSzzeA4Jxzb7twifW
   (case sensitive, copy and paste)
   You have 24 hours to make a payment (I have embedded a unique pixel in this message and right now I see that you are reading it). If I do not receive the payment, I will send the video to the entire list of your relatives, friends, colleagues, etc. If I get paid, I will immediately erase the video. In case you want evidence, write the word “Yes!” In the reply letter and I will send the video to 5 random contacts from your list. This is a non-negotiable proposal, so it is better not to waste my and your time on such checks.
I assume that this - "silentboy", is your password?
   You do not know me and you are probably surprised why you received this letter?
   The fact is that I posted a special program on porn, which you recently visited to have fun (you know what I mean). While you were watching the video, your web browser worked as RDP (remote desktop), as well as a keylogger, which allowed me to access your screen and webcam. After that, my program also collected the data of all your friends from all installed instant messengers, Facebook account and mail.
   So what exactly did I do?
   I made a video with a split screen. In one half - the video that you watch (you have a good taste, haha), and on the other, what I recorded from the webcam (Aha, it's you!).
   What should you do?
   I think $ 1,700 is a fair price for such a little secret. Make a payment via Bitcoin to the wallet address (if you don’t know how - google “How to buy Bitcoin”):
   BTC Address: 19PZtNygf9YeB1esYYSzzeA4Jxzb7twifW
   (case sensitive, copy and paste)
   You have 24 hours to make a payment (I have embedded a unique pixel in this message and right now I see that you are reading it). If I do not receive the payment, I will send the video to the entire list of your relatives, friends, colleagues, etc. If I get paid, I will immediately erase the video. In case you want evidence, write the word “Yes!” In the reply letter and I will send the video to 5 random contacts from your list. This is a non-negotiable proposal, so it is better not to waste my and your time on such checks.
I assume that this - "silentboy", is your password?
   You do not know me and you are probably surprised why you received this letter?
   The fact is that I posted a special program on porn, which you recently visited to have fun (you know what I mean). While you were watching the video, your web browser worked as RDP (remote desktop), as well as a keylogger, which allowed me to access your screen and webcam. After that, my program also collected the data of all your friends from all installed instant messengers, Facebook account and mail.
   So what exactly did I do?
   I made a video with a split screen. In one half - the video that you watch (you have a good taste, haha), and on the other, what I recorded from the webcam (Aha, it's you!).
   What should you do?
   I think $ 1,700 is a fair price for such a little secret. Make a payment via Bitcoin to the wallet address (if you don’t know how - google “How to buy Bitcoin”):
   BTC Address: 19PZtNygf9YeB1esYYSzzeA4Jxzb7twifW
   (case sensitive, copy and paste)
   You have 24 hours to make a payment (I have embedded a unique pixel in this message and right now I see that you are reading it). If I do not receive the payment, I will send the video to the entire list of your relatives, friends, colleagues, etc. If I get paid, I will immediately erase the video. In case you want evidence, write the word “Yes!” In the reply letter and I will send the video to 5 random contacts from your list. This is a non-negotiable proposal, so it is better not to waste my and your time on such checks.
I assume that this - "silentboy", is your password?
   You do not know me and you are probably surprised why you received this letter?
   The fact is that I posted a special program on porn, which you recently visited to have fun (you know what I mean). While you were watching the video, your web browser worked as RDP (remote desktop), as well as a keylogger, which allowed me to access your screen and webcam. After that, my program also collected the data of all your friends from all installed instant messengers, Facebook account and mail.
   So what exactly did I do?
   I made a video with a split screen. In one half - the video that you watch (you have a good taste, haha), and on the other, what I recorded from the webcam (Aha, it's you!).
   What should you do?
   I think $ 1,700 is a fair price for such a little secret. Make a payment via Bitcoin to the wallet address (if you don’t know how - google “How to buy Bitcoin”):
   BTC Address: 19PZtNygf9YeB1esYYSzzeA4Jxzb7twifW
   (case sensitive, copy and paste)
   You have 24 hours to make a payment (I have embedded a unique pixel in this message and right now I see that you are reading it). If I do not receive the payment, I will send the video to the entire list of your relatives, friends, colleagues, etc. If I get paid, I will immediately erase the video. In case you want evidence, write the word “Yes!” In the reply letter and I will send the video to 5 random contacts from your list. This is a non-negotiable proposal, so it is better not to waste my and your time on such checks.
I assume that this - "troucul", is your password?
   You do not know me and you are probably surprised why you received this letter?
   The fact is that I posted a special program on porn, which you recently visited to have fun (you know what I mean). While you were watching the video, your web browser worked as RDP (remote desktop), as well as a keylogger, which allowed me to access your screen and webcam. After that, my program also collected the data of all your friends from all installed instant messengers, Facebook account and mail.
   So what exactly did I do?
   I made a video with a split screen. In one half - the video that you watch (you have a good taste, haha), and on the other, what I recorded from the webcam (Aha, it's you!).
   What should you do?
   I think $ 1,700 is a fair price for such a little secret. Make a payment via Bitcoin to the wallet address (if you don’t know how - google “How to buy Bitcoin”):
   BTC Address: 1LNcUGLunEpDMo4sxNAgAKAGk8eAddTGW
   (case sensitive, copy and paste)
   You have 24 hours to make a payment (I have embedded a unique pixel in this message and right now I see that you are reading it). If I do not receive the payment, I will send the video to the entire list of your relatives, friends, colleagues, etc. If I get paid, I will immediately erase the video. In case you want evidence, write the word “Yes!” In the reply letter and I will send the video to 5 random contacts from your list. This is a non-negotiable proposal, so it is better not to waste my and your time on such checks.
I assume that this - "troucul", is your password?
   You do not know me and you are probably surprised why you received this letter?
   The fact is that I posted a special program on porn, which you recently visited to have fun (you know what I mean). While you were watching the video, your web browser worked as RDP (remote desktop), as well as a keylogger, which allowed me to access your screen and webcam. After that, my program also collected the data of all your friends from all installed instant messengers, Facebook account and mail.
   So what exactly did I do?
   I made a video with a split screen. In one half - the video that you watch (you have a good taste, haha), and on the other, what I recorded from the webcam (Aha, it's you!).
   What should you do?
   I think $ 1,700 is a fair price for such a little secret. Make a payment via Bitcoin to the wallet address (if you don’t know how - google “How to buy Bitcoin”):
   BTC Address: 1LNcUGLunEpDMo4sxNAgAKAGk8eAddTGW
   (case sensitive, copy and paste)
   You have 24 hours to make a payment (I have embedded a unique pixel in this message and right now I see that you are reading it). If I do not receive the payment, I will send the video to the entire list of your relatives, friends, colleagues, etc. If I get paid, I will immediately erase the video. In case you want evidence, write the word “Yes!” In the reply letter and I will send the video to 5 random contacts from your list. This is a non-negotiable proposal, so it is better not to waste my and your time on such checks.
I assume that this - "troucul", is your password?
   You do not know me and you are probably surprised why you received this letter?
   The fact is that I posted a special program on porn, which you recently visited to have fun (you know what I mean). While you were watching the video, your web browser worked as RDP (remote desktop), as well as a keylogger, which allowed me to access your screen and webcam. After that, my program also collected the data of all your friends from all installed instant messengers, Facebook account and mail.
   So what exactly did I do?
   I made a video with a split screen. In one half - the video that you watch (you have a good taste, haha), and on the other, what I recorded from the webcam (Aha, it's you!).
   What should you do?
   I think $ 1,700 is a fair price for such a little secret. Make a payment via Bitcoin to the wallet address (if you don’t know how - google “How to buy Bitcoin”):
   BTC Address: 1LNcUGLunEpDMo4sxNAgAKAGk8eAddTGW
   (case sensitive, copy and paste)
   You have 24 hours to make a payment (I have embedded a unique pixel in this message and right now I see that you are reading it). If I do not receive the payment, I will send the video to the entire list of your relatives, friends, colleagues, etc. If I get paid, I will immediately erase the video. In case you want evidence, write the word “Yes!” In the reply letter and I will send the video to 5 random contacts from your list. This is a non-negotiable proposal, so it is better not to waste my and your time on such checks.
I assume that this - "troucul", is your password?
   You do not know me and you are probably surprised why you received this letter?
   The fact is that I posted a special program on porn, which you recently visited to have fun (you know what I mean). While you were watching the video, your web browser worked as RDP (remote desktop), as well as a keylogger, which allowed me to access your screen and webcam. After that, my program also collected the data of all your friends from all installed instant messengers, Facebook account and mail.
   So what exactly did I do?
   I made a video with a split screen. In one half - the video that you watch (you have a good taste, haha), and on the other, what I recorded from the webcam (Aha, it's you!).
   What should you do?
   I think $ 1,700 is a fair price for such a little secret. Make a payment via Bitcoin to the wallet address (if you don’t know how - google “How to buy Bitcoin”):
   BTC Address: 1LNcUGLunEpDMo4sxNAgAKAGk8eAddTGW
   (case sensitive, copy and paste)
   You have 24 hours to make a payment (I have embedded a unique pixel in this message and right now I see that you are reading it). If I do not receive the payment, I will send the video to the entire list of your relatives, friends, colleagues, etc. If I get paid, I will immediately erase the video. In case you want evidence, write the word “Yes!” In the reply letter and I will send the video to 5 random contacts from your list. This is a non-negotiable proposal, so it is better not to waste my and your time on such checks.
How to invest in bitcoins in 2019 and receive passive income of $ 70,000 per month: http://abruidrugac.tk/6musp
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